Listen in to hear…
Mark claim to be best friends with Dave Matthews
His affinity for Honey Baked Ham
How he got started with his company
The challenges and joys of owning his own business
How he once encouraged me to break into a maximum security facility
Great session today with a longtime friend of mine, Mark Isenhour. Mark is the owner and operator, along with his wife, of A-Plus Tours. A-Plus Tours is a full service educational tours company based out of the metro Atlanta, Georgia area, that helps provide experiential learning opportunities for students and takes the stress of planning and managing school trips off of the shoulders of the teachers. ​
Show Links
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Mark's Favorite Childhood Show: Bobby's World
The animal that Mark is most afraid of (the honey badger)
Dwight Schrute
Season 3 Episode 13 of The Office
Today’s Show Sponsor: The Tent Guys: www.thetentguysssi.com
Session 2: Lauren Prince, Yoga Guru
Lauren Prince is a yoga instructor based in St. Simons Island, GA who has a unique and creative way of teaching that is welcoming for beginners, challenging for experienced yoga-ers, and fun for everyone. Lauren has a great spirit about her, doesn't take herself too seriously, and clearly enjoys what she does.
Listen in to hear…
How I once claimed Lauren was "my yoga instructor"
Which is better hot yoga or regular yoga
How long it takes to learn a headstand
How Lauren got started in yoga (and how you can too)
Whether or not it's okay to take off your clothes in yoga
Show Links
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The Club (where Lauren teaches)​
Where Lauren is teaching
* ​12/12 @ 4:00 hot slow flow * 12/19 @ 4:00 hot slow flow * 12/20 4:30 muli-level * 12/21 9:00 open flow
Plus lots of dates in January!!!
Today’s Show Sponsor: The Tent Guys: www.thetentguysssi.com
Session 3: Jenna Starkey, Fulfillment Coach
Jenna Starkey is an ICF accredited life, career and fulfillment coach based out of Seattle, Washington who specializes in helping high achieving, heart-centered millennials discover fulfillment in their work and personal lives. She also recently received her certification in the Integrative Enneagram Assessment (IEQ) and has her yoga. Jenna is Extraordinary because of her enthusiastic, bright spirit and for courageously pursuing her passion of coaching and serving others.
Listen in to hear…
Why coaching is not as woo-woo as you might think
How to find a coach that fits for you
Why some people go after their "thing" and why some people get stuck
How Jenna became a life coach and what obstacles she had to overcome to get there
Why you should never drive a Ford Explorer
Show Links
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Jenna's friend who wrote Quarter Life Breakthrough
The Enneagram​: Book, Website
Today’s Show Sponsor: The Tent Guys: www.thetentguysssi.com
Session 4: International man of mystery
Today's session features a truly Extraordinary Joe, The International Man of Mystery. After responding to a series of Craigslist ads, today's guest has gone from an errand boy to a world traveling, personal assistant to a member of a foreign royal family. In this episode you'll learn about how small steps, taking action, and learning along the way, have led to a truly extraordinary life.
Listen in to hear…
A hot take on who has the best chicken sandwich
What it's like to eat horse, of course
How he ended up at an Ed Sheeran concert
How our guest went from an ordinary guy to an ordinary guy doing extraordinary things
The joys and challenges of world travel
Which beach is the best in the world
Show Links
*Some links may be affiliate links*
One Mile at a Time
Million Miles
The Secret to Daniel's Success
Today’s Show Sponsor: The Tent Guys: www.thetentguysssi.com
Session 5: Lance Weiss - comedian
Come on in to Session 5 of Extraordinary Joes and Party with Lance. Lance Weiss is a New York based comedian, podcast host, and maker of laughs. During today's session, we talk with Lance about why he chose comedy, how he got started, and the joys and challenges of the profession. Lance offers up some incredible insight and encouragement that we can all use in our daily lives in how we approach others, how we care for our selves, and maintaining healthy perspective in our lives.
Listen in to hear…
Why you should avoid Greyhound Bus Lines at all costs
How Lance uses comedy to break down barriers and make connections
Why Lance thinks I should change the name of the podcast
How small encouragements and actions can have a huge impact
What you should do in NYC, from an expert
Session 6: Esther Marques - Impressive Young Lady
The World Race
Esther Marques is the type of young lady that we need to hear from! Esther is embarking on a journey of faith, courage, and adventure as she joins the World Race for a gap year during what should be her sophomore year in college. Knowing the challenges facing many of our young adults, the decisions that many of them are making, and the importance of helping them find their way in the world, I love hearing Esther's story and the exciting way that she is living into what matters most to her.
Listen in to hear…
Is a spider a reptile or an insect?
What is the World Race?
How you can support an incredible young woman on her journey of faith
What it looks like to have courage and pursue things that matter most to you
Regain some faith in our young people
Show Links
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National Geographic (for some animal classification clarification)
Christian Artist: Tauren Wells​
Buy a T-Shirt - Send Esther a Note of Encouragement - Share This Story With Someone
Connect With Esther
Session 7: Edisson fernandez - educator, artist, creator
Edisson Fernandez is a high school educator with a fantastic undercurrent of both authenticity and creativity. He's the kind of guy you be completely comfortable talking to for hours at the coffee shop, and at the same time, be in awe of what he is able to create with his art.
I admire Edisson's approach to life, his desire to learn, and I think you'll laugh and learn along with us during a great conversation with an Extraordinary Joe.
Listen in to hear…
What it was like to grow up in Columbia?
How a (phony) exchange program impacted his life
What Edisson is creating, and how he is outdoing Picasso
The challenges faced by an artist when it comes to selling and growing a business
Why Edisson thinks of himself as a duck
How a childhood illness has come back as a super strength for Edisson
Show Links
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Edisson's Artwork​
Recommended Reading
Connect With Edisson
Session 8: Bo Mann - Wake Up Coffee Company
Action Taker, Community Builder, Maker of Change
Bo Mann is the founder of Wake Up Coffee Company, with locations in St. Simons and Brunswick, Georgia. Wake Up was created after a series of mission trips Bo participated in that had him travelling to places all over the globe. During these trips, Bo witnessed poverty firsthand. He also spent time in small cafes, spending time in fellowship with people he might have never known back home, hearing about their stories and learning about their culture.
After this series of experiences, Wake Up was born out of Bo's desire to make an impact on the world around him, by creating a place for people to come and rest, talk, learn, and be in community, while supporting others around the world through their support of Wake Up.
Listen in to hear...
How Wake Up is creating and building community
Breaking news about the next Wake Up location
Why you should not record in an open space with concrete floors
How much coffee is too much
The power of taking action
What it means to be "special"
Show Links
*Some links may be affiliate links*
Wake Up Coffee Company Site
Books Bo Has Sort of Read
Session 9: Keith Hand - Real Estate Investor
Keith Hand is a real estate investor who is just getting started on his journey. After several years working on the "traditional" career path, Keith started his own business, while studying fervently to learn more about real estate.
After selling his business, Keith joined with an investor and began putting his book knowledge to the test. Today, Keith owns and helps manage over 100 properties, and continues to expand his knowledge and grow his investments, primarily by asking questions, making others aware of what he is doing, and taking measured risks towards his goals
Listen in to hear...
How coffee is powering successful entrepreneurs
How Keith got started from zero to 100
Keith's suggestions for those looking to invest in real estate
How simple questions have fueled a rental empire
The power of taking action, and letting other people know what you are doing
Show Links
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The Defiant Investor (coming soon)
Other Resources
Session 10:Rogelio Quintanar - Quintanar Running Company
Episode 10 featuring Rogelio Quintanar. Rogelio is the founder of the Quintanar Running Company, providing private coaching, event management and consultation, course design, and USATF certification. One of the things that makes Rogelio an Extraordinary Joe is the passion for community that drives Rogelio's work within the running community. Rogelio sees the power that running, and being in a running community, can have on individuals and the adjacent community.
Rogelio has a really cool story about how he got started with Quintanar Running Company, and what drives him. Tune in to hear about his background, the inspiring stories he gets to witness, and the power of running.
Listen in to hear...
Another guest who wants to do more yoga, but is not doing more yoga
How Rogelio developed his love for community and how that impacts his current work
How long it would take go go from zero to runner
Which running shoes are best
The impact of sharing our stories
And the incredible stories Rogelio is learning about from the running community
Show Links
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What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Session 11:Claire McCarter - The intentional friend
Claire McCarter is an author, podcaster, and friendship enthusiast. As a military spouse, Claire moves every two years, and is faced with the challenge of not only building new friendships in each location, but also continuing to nurture friendships she's developed along the way.
Because of her experiences, Claire set out to write a book focusing on the challenges of friendship, the power of friendship, and to encourage others to be intentional as they develop meaningful relationships.
Listen in to hear...
What it means to be an intentional friend
What Claire learned about good friendships
The power of choosing yourself, and taking your turn
How great can be the enemy of good when we need to take action
The power of lingering as friends
Why giraffes don't need to use drugs
Show Links
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Facebook: The Intentional Friend
What To Do When It's Your Turn
From A Resilient Life:
"What's the secret behind such laid back fellowship...Lingering...No one is in a hurry. There's no pressure to make something happen. People are not burdened by expectations of dress, correctness of opinion, or responsibilities for various programs. They just like being together. They really care about each other. No one is in a hurry to get somewhere else. They just...linger."
Session 12:Chris Busby- Father of Childhood Cancer Survivor
For most things in life, I feel that I can relate to others, have some understanding of what they are going through, or put myself in their shoes.
For families who have battled cancer, I can't. Sure, it's a "challenge", it's a time to "have faith", it will "test you". But I don't think any of those things even begin to do it justice. I can't fathom the feelings, fears, questions, and emotions that come along with battling cancer. And in my mind, those things are only magnified when you are watching a child face that battle.
This is where Chris and his family found themselves several years back when their son, Chase, was faced with Leukemia.
I'll let Chris tell the story. His silky smooth voice and calm demeanor tell it much better than I can.
Listen in to hear...
Tune in to hear how he Chris his family faced this challenge.
Chris's silky smooth radio voice
The importance of filling yourself up
More about Blue Skies Ministries
The importance of skipping in our daily lives
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(in fact, maybe we should be a helper)
Session 13:Karissa Cross - Woodworker, Encourager
Have you ever talked to someone who told you to "chase your dreams" or that "you can do it", or "it might be hard, but you'll figure it out"?
And then, have you ever pulled back the curtain and wondered what qualified them to say that, or wondered if they had any evidence in their own life, or if they really believed what they were saying?
Well, Karissa Cross has you covered if you, like me, have ever faced that situation. Karissa is the real deal, and is living out the encouragements and quotes that she is so often sharing with her audience.
She believes that we can do hard things, and she is doing hard things. She believes we can figure things out, and she is figuring things out, with a great deal of success.
I admire Karissa's approach, and I'll bet you'll enjoy hearing her story!
Listen in to hear...
Whether Karissa believes in snap, crackle, or pop (you might be surprised)
How Karissa is growing thesandingblonde and what's next
Why and how Karissa gets up at the same time that Party with Lance is just going to bed
How Karissa believes we can all do hard things
Show Links
*Some links may be affiliate links*
The Miracle Morning
Restoring a Dream: My Journey Restoring a Vintage Airstream
Wake Up Coffee Company
Session 14:Antoine Maddox - Former Pro Basketball Player
Antoine is a former member of the Washington Generals, the team that, up until just recently, traveled the world competing against the Harlem Globetrotters.
With an incredible work ethic and a great deal of focus, Antoine took a childhood dream and turned it into a reality, as he toured across the globe, playing in front of sold out crowds. Living fully into the gifts he'd been blessed with, and honoring the Giver, Antoine brought joy to both himself and the thousands of people that he played in front of.
Listen in to hear...
How Antoine survives on shredded wheat
Where Antoine gets his quiet confidence
Why he doesn't believe he's special, and the opportunity he thinks everyone has to pursue their dreams
About the time he dunked a basketball in his underpants
What he's learned by participating in the San Quentin basketball ministry
Show Links
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The Alchemist
Be careful setting the bar too low, you might trip over it​ - Bryan Hendley
Only the disciplined are free - Eliud Kipchoge
Session 15:Gene Durden - Head Girls Basketball Coach @ Buford HS
Gene Durden is an 8 time State Champion as a head basketball coach and the inventor of mythical creatures.
Currently serving as the head girls' basketball coach at Buford High School, Gene is a phenomenal developer of players and of people. With an intense focus on culture, player development, accountability, and love, Gene gets the most out of his players and helps them develop a foundation of success that lasts a lifetime.
Stick with us on the audio challenges, and I'm sure you'll get some great nuggets from our chat.
Listen in to hear...
How Gene created a horsecat
What "culture" really means and how we often miss the mark
Why it's simple, but difficult to replicate the success that Gene has had throughout his career
The importance of balancing love and accountability
Session 16: Drew Thompson - Pastor
Union City Church in Brunswick, GA
What a great interview with Drew Thompson, the pastor at Union City Church in Brunswick, Georgia.
We start off with what I think may be one of the best rapid fires we've had on Extraordinary Joes, and I had an absolute blast during that segment.
Then, we dive into some really important and relevant topics. In fact, they became even more relevant after we recorded.
Drew talks about the mission of Union City to reconcile ourselves to Christ and to one another, in spite of our differences in race, culture, ethnicity, and background. We also dive into how to shift our perspective during this time of Corona Virus and learn how to see it as a gift.
This is an important episode, and I hope you'll check it out.
Listen in to hear...
The important difference between a sandal, slide, and flip flop
How much it would take to get Drew to skydive...let's start a pool!
The important and challenging mission of Union City Church
How we can focus on what unites us rather than what divides us
What we might learn through the Corona Virus pandemic and how we can work to remember the lessons
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​2 Peter 1:5-7
"For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love."
Session 17: Ella Herlihy -Unentitled Parents
I had a blast speaking with Ella Herlihy about parenting. Specifically, how we can raise unentitled, healthy children, that grow into strong adults.
Ella Herlihy (Her-li-hee) is a wife to Steve and a mom to five children ages 12-20. She loves to help moms and dads learn from her many mistakes and what she has gleaned from all the books and seminars it takes to raise five children in today’s world. She is currently writing a book, “UnEntitled Parents: Step Back so your Kids Step Forward Ready for Real Life,” to encourage parents to launch their children toward responsible adulthood.
Listen in to hear...
Small things you can do to help your kids be less reliant on you for answers and direction
How to be intentional in deciding who you want to help your children become
The impact of screen time on both parents and children
How we can face the challenge of parenting during the Corona Virus